The printed edition will be delivered to your mailbox in November.
Published by Plantation Printing
Advertisers: contact Bill Renault
April & November
Deadline to submit articles for the next edition (Spring & Summer 2017) will be March 1st.
President POA Frank D'Amato
843-235-8885 Mobile: 843-446-6875
Clubhouse Paul Hayes
Covenants Jeanette Renault
ARB Vince Civitarese
Grounds Alex Herndon
(Emergencies Only)
Vince Franco -
Web Site Manager
Board of Directors
Frank D'Amato, President
843-235-8885 Mobile: 843-446-6875
Dick Baughman, Vice President
John Bartha, Secretary
Brian Kramer, Treasurer
Merry Cotton, Director
Kimber Ammerata -
Kuester Management
Board Meetings Fourth Thursday 3:00 p.m.
Resident's club house
(subject to change)
All board meetings are open
to the community
I am writing this article as we continue to clean up the storm damage. The good news is that no one was hurt.
Some of our neighbors were not so lucky as trees found their rooftops. We continue to work on trees along sidewalks and roadways and a few in the wetlands
that are a danger to the community. I believe we will have most of this work completed by the time the newsletter is published.
The new golf course superintendent is working with us on issues regarding properties along the course. He is checking the issues surrounding your calls
and e-mails to determine what is his responsibility and what is the responsibility of the homeowner.
Trees Down on 8th Hole
Some of these issues may become a problem as to what
the laws of SC determine responsibility of property owners as to what direction a tree falls and what the SC insurance policies declare.
I have communicated with him and he seems reasonable and willing to work with us but he also needs to be responsive to his owners.
The Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors (BOD) consists of 5 Tradition Property Owners. After many years of service to the board and community Merry Cotton has indicated that she will
not seek re-election in February at the termination of her current term. This is the second communication regarding the board opening and I suggest anyone interested
sit in on a board meeting and let us know if you are interested in being a board member.
We will be asking for nominations for Merry’s seat towards the end of the year.
Drainage Issues:
It appears that all the money we spent on drains has paid off, as there was no flooding in the community.
You can always expect some areas to have excess water in a heavy storm. Both you and your landscapers, if you have one, must not blow debris down our street drains.
We have caught some landscapers dumping in our wetlands, this is against the law and the association has to pay to remove the debris.
You must have this conversation with your landscapers.
Damage on Tradition Club Drive
As we catch up on the storm we will be looking to plant winter flowers. We should have the Christmas lights up by Thanksgiving.
If you have a Street light issues please write down the poll number and call Santee Cooper.
Sidewalks need to be kept clear. Some residents have sidewalks at the end of their driveways and are parking cars so that they block the sidewalk. This is not acceptable.
If you can’t fit your cars in your garages and driveways without blocking sidewalks then you have a problem and you need to correct it.
Pool Complex:
The pool remains open to swim but we have stored the chairs for the winter. Recently a resident or someone’s guests used the grill and chairs from their storage area and
left without covering the grill or replacing the chairs. This is not acceptable and the homeowner is responsible for themselves and their guests.
Shortly we will be changing the pool house thermostats to heat and post a new setting when leaving the building after any events.
No Entry
Make sure we have your e-mail addresses so that the BOD can communicate with you. Contact a board member or Vince Franco ( to add your e-mail.
When I broadcast e-mails through quality kid, please do not respond to Vince, as he cannot answer your questions. Your feedback must come to me.
I will add my e-mail address to the broadcast or you can find my e-mail address in our phone directory.
The board schedule and the monthly board minutes and financial summary are available on the web site. The minutes are always behind as we must
approve minutes at the following month’s meeting.
Please call any board member or me if you see a problem in the community. For association emergencies you may call Alex Herndon, our buildings and grounds manager,
at 843-241-3287. Please identify yourself.
Thanks, have a great winter.
Frank D’Amato
Cell #843-446-6875
Many of us are recovering from Matthew and are still dealing with the aftermath of the storm. We hope everyone will soon be able to enjoy our beautiful autumn.
As we get back to normal, please take a minute to read up in your Covenants manual on the following inquiries we have recently received:
Weeds sprouting in beds
Prompt stowing of garbage cans
Overnight parking
Lawn ornaments
Seasonal flags
Autos in driveway must not block sidewalks
Thanks to all who have responded to our Friendly Reminders, and special thanks to all who do not require a Friendly Reminder!
Storm Drains
If there is a storm drain on your property, please take care to keep the opening clear of leaves and pine straw.
Before our first frost prune your Lantana way back. It is a much easier job when stems are green and pliable.
The plant will come out next spring with new shoots and no dead stems around.
Are now blooming. As the blossoms fade, save the dead pods, let them dry, and you’ll have an abundance of seeds. Sprinkle the seeds in a receptive spot &
you will be rewarded with many, many plants in the summer – ready to bloom in the fall.
Vehicles All vehicles parked in driveways are required by the county to be registered.
Hello to all.
I hope that everyone is at least somewhat back to normal after Hurricane Matthew. I know that several homes had trees down on their roofs. I hope that they have been able
to get the damages repaired. We also had many trees down and lots of branches broken. It will take time to clean up from this storm.
Home on Deacon Drive
Please know that the ARB is doing all that it can to allow downed trees or trees that are leaning toward property to be removed without permits.
We are however trying to make sure that no one is removing trees that can be removed at a later date. These trees will still require a permit.
We ask that you use good judgment when deciding to remove a tree. If it is a clear danger to people or property, please have it removed.
As always, please feel free to contact any ARB member if you have any question about any changes to your property.
Any roof repairs that are causing leaks should be taken care of as soon as possible.
Total roof replacements will still require permits and you must submit an application through the ARB for this work.
If you are doing any of the cleanup or repairs yourself please be safe. Any contractors you are using should be insured and you should ask for proof of that insurance.
Removal of any debris by contractors must be disposed of by the contractor and not left at the curb for pickup.
Remember, just because you have submitted an ARB application does not mean that you can start the job. A permit must be issued before you can start the work.
We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7pm at the residents' club house. Please plan ahead.
Take care and again, please contact us if you have any questions.
Vince Civitarese
Chairman ARB
Summer was hot and beautiful until October came along and brought us Matthew.
Our new tennis courts received rave reviews and they were in use more than the past. The overflow parking worked well during our peak periods and
we have plans to use the balance of the money in the fund from the settlement with the Litchfield Company for parking improvements which we have been holding in escrow.
If we can further improve overflow parking spaces similar to the ones built last year, we plan to move forward in the near term.
The Security installation of our new security equipment and process “went very well and we feel we now have a much better control of our entry points.
Further work will proceed to get the rental companies on the system and eliminate the hanging tags. That will allow us to always know who is on the property and what
their business is.
I hope everyone has survived Matthew. He brought a new set of problems to LBTS and has caused us to review potential additional problems for 2017.
We will obviously have a major hit to the Reserve fund and the operating budget as a result of the damage.
We have had massive clean-up and a large loss of oak trees at the seaside campus. The damage to the water lines and internal electrical is still being discovered.
Is there more? We don’t know.
Damage caused by the Salt water over-run of our grassy areas is yet to be determined; some sod will surely have to be replaced. The water was a foot high over our roads near
the lake both north Dune Drive and Retreat Beach Circle. 16 Oak trees were damaged and have been given first aid. We hope most survive, but are very unsure.
These trees will be costly to replace.
The dunes are a major problem. The entire first dune was destroyed and the second dune severely damaged.
A huge expense is the repair to all 5 of our dunes crossovers. The handicapped ramp down to the beach will have to be totally rebuilt and the sails on the upper deck replaced.
There is a lot of clean-up to do.
We do not know if any help will be available. The county will remove the debris soon, hopefully before you get this newsletter.
There is a large sinkhole near the fishing dock and several others along the bulkhead that will need attention. There was some damage to the floating dock and surrounding area.
We have not been able as of yet to determine the damage to one or more of the floating fountains in Osprey Lake, but there is probably some damage to the
north roundabout fountain near Bridgewater.
We are meeting with the insurance folks regularly and hope to make some progress hopefully on claims to our advantage.
We appreciate your patience as we work to restore LBTS to its full beauty and availability as soon as possible.
It is important for all Presidents and their boards to be in attendance at 2:00 on Nov. 18th.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we move to recover.
Bill McElroy President Storm Photos courtesy of "a Friend"
As Matthew goes into the history books and the medians survived the onslaught of wind and rain better than some of our neighbors,
the board members of the LBF are very grateful that this year we have invested in insurance for plant replacement should a catastrophic event occur in the future.
It seems like a big expense until there is a near hit and we start to think about what could happen as we look at the beautiful trees that were uprooted throughout our community.
It was great to hear from Frank D’Amato that there were no personal injuries!
A quick recap of Hurricane Matthew: The Corridor sustained considerable damage to various Wax Myrtles, several oaks, a crape Myrtle, willow and a few Viburnum bushes.
We are carefully monitoring both the Pindo and Sabal Palms since they are older trees and were severely impacted by the winds. If they need to be removed,
they are not allowed by the state to be re-planted. All in all the medians fared pretty well during the storm.
Even though the deck stairs at Litchfield-by-the-Sea were gone, and the shade sails were torn, the Beach House remained intact for our Donor Appreciation Party on October 17th.
We had about 120 people join us on a beautiful day for food, refreshments, an update on the board activities, and some words from our S.C. State Representative, Stephen Goldfinch.
Ragan Ormand, Stephen Goldfinch and Ken Dewell
Our seventh and last flag display for 2016 will be on November 11th, Veterans Day. Our thanks to the five Tradition families that financially sponsored the cost of raising
the flags on Veterans Day at dawn and retrieving them at dusk on that date.
Please thank them when you see them around the neighborhood: Joan & Ed Sheldon, Dot & Vince Franco, Daune & Larry Barksdale,
Vinnie & Skippy Esposito and Joanne & Bill Kendall.
Also look for our new flag sponsor signs at the Willbrook Blvd intersection on November 11th.
Gloria Starrick, Joanne Kendall and Carol Leis (Riverclub)
We are so grateful to have 5 of the 7 flag days for 2017 sponsored already, but on a sad note we have had 10 flags stolen from the median this year.
They will be replaced and the sheriff’s department will be given a heads up before Veterans Day. Please call them if you see some suspicious activity as you drive by.
Pat Kemper and Penny Pikaart
If you are new to the Tradition community, or even not so new, please visit our web site,
All our information is there as well as ways that you can help donate.
We maintain the Litchfield corridor medians and flag displays through the consistent generosity of our donors.
(Click on any image to see a full size photo)
A Beautiful Night to Remember
by Bella & Philip Ribaudo
A few months ago, Philip and I were thinking how nice it was in 2012 that Gloria Starrick and Claudia Krauth put together a wonderful evening for Tradition Residents celebrating
their 50th and 50th plus anniversaries. We were not eligible at that time, but we are now, so why not do it again…. Put our heads together and sent out an email (by Vince Franco)
inquiring if there was an interest??? Of course, living in such a wonderful community, with great life loving neighbors, we found that 20 couples were interested. Hurray!
After some investigation, with the help of Betty Seibert and Ann Carline, we zeroed in on Pawleys Plantation. It will be just like a second wedding with the same wonderful partner.
I then commissioned help from the best photo couple “Bonnie and Ron Eaglin. They were so willing to help bring this whole event together, with pictures and dinner music
(everyone’s wedding song).
“The evening was a beautiful and touching celebration of marriage and love.”
After cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, Bonnie took a beautiful group picture of the happy 20 couples outside. A wedding photo slideshow complete with music entertained
us during the cocktail hour. Once again, the Eaglins' amazing talent helped to create this splendid event. We then entered the dinning room. Tables were set in elegant fashion.
It was just like a wedding. Philip had us all stand, face each other and hold hands. We all then repeated our wedding vows and kissed.
Touching as it was, Jack Seibert made an amazing and clever champagne toast. Allan Carline led us in a Pledge Allegiance to our flag.
It was a couple of days after the fifteenth anniversary of 911. We then sat, and once again Jack Seibert led us in grateful prayer for all our blessings.
All enjoyed the dinner, meticulously served by professional wait staff. We started with a salad and then a choice of three entrees.
Every couples' wedding song was played during dinner. All were invited to step out and dance to their particular song, as well as any song of their liking.
A multi-tiered anniversary cake added to the fantastic ending of a magnificent evening. Special mention to Martin and
Mary Grace Robic for celebrating their
62nd Wedding Anniversary. God bless them both. The Robics made the first cut of the wedding cake. Lastly, Betty Seibert and Ann Carline announced the contest
winner of identifying the most brides and grooms from their original wedding picture. That winner was Skippy Esposito.
Summer is over and hopefully the risk of hurricanes. I hope you all fared well during the recent storm. As the weather gets cooler, may of you may find yourself
with a severe cough. In fact, many of you reading this now may be suffering from a bad cough already. Cough is the most common reason for out patient
clinic visits in the US. Some common reasons for cough include a viral illness (common cold), bronchitis, pertussis, and pneumonia.
But a cough can also be due to sinus and post nasal drainage, or even acid reflux. Let's discuss acute bronchitis today.
Bronchitis is inflammation of the trachea and large airways of the lungs. This cough can often last 2-3 weeks. Bronchitis is a viral illness in over 90%
of cases and does not require antibiotics unless there is underlying chronic lung disease. Studies show antibiotics will only reduce the cough by half a day.
The presence of productive sputum or yellow mucus color does not correlate to the need for antibiotics. The challenge for your provider is to identify if
something more serious is going on. Other causes of cough could include pneumonia, asthma, COPD, and heart failure. Studies show dextromethorphan can
reduce cough by up to 30%. Guaifenesin can help cough severity, cough frequency, and sputum thickness. Benzonatate is a pill that when combined with guaifenesin
can reduce cough without causing the sedation that codeine cough syrups tend to do. Cough medicines are not recommended for children under age 4,
but studies do show honey can reduce cough in this group.
Symptoms that could require further studies such as a chest X-ray or lab work include shortness of breath,
bloody sputum, heart rate over 100, respiratory rate over 24, or temperature over 100 degrees. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical care from
your health care provider. If you do not have a health care provider, feel free to see us at one of our three locations South Strand Internists & Urgent Care in Pawleys Island
or Surfside Beach, or Strand Urgent Care in Carolina Forest.
J. Vance Vandergriff M.D.
Enhance the impact of your financial legacy with a charitable lead trust.
Americans are a generous people. Many support charitable organizations that enhance their communities and enrich their personal lives. In addition to giving wisely to nonprofit groups, it's important to anticipate financial obligations to family members while you're still of sound mind.
A charitable lead trust (CLT) may be the ideal tool to help some philanthropically minded people distribute assets in a fair and cost-effective manner. A CLT offers a two-pronged approach to wealth management: one that serves the financial needs of family members and a second that serves the funding needs of charitable endeavors that you value, whether they involve education, art, religion, medicine, or another worthy cause.
A properly structured CLT offers a grantor -- the person who establishes the trust -- an opportunity to contribute to one or more nonprofit organizations for a set period of years, after which the asset balance of the trust is transferred to either the grantor or another entity, typically a close relative. In addition to leaving loved ones a financial legacy that may extend years beyond the grantor's passing, a CLT can help reduce estate taxes for heirs.
Basic Structure
The opposite of a charitable remainder trust, a CLT directs an income stream to a designated charity during a clearly stated term, whether a specific number of years (there is no limit) or for the rest of the grantor's life. At the end of the term, the remainder of the principal goes to either the donor or heirs. The annual charitable payout may reflect either a fixed-dollar amount or a fixed percentage of the trust's current value, which is revised each fiscal year.
CLTs are often the tool of choice for individuals with assets that have a high potential for future appreciation. They may also be well suited for those with heirs who are minors or otherwise not ready to assume full control of significant assets. By creating and funding a CLT, a grantor can make final arrangements for the disposition of an estate, but defer the date at which beneficiaries actually receive and control the property. In the meantime, the charity of choice receives immediate and ongoing benefits. When the assets do eventually pass to the noncharitable beneficiaries, they are not subject to the federal estate tax.
Keep in mind, however, that the grantor is not able to claim an income tax deduction for contributing to a CLT. In addition, the grantor may have to pay a federal gift tax on a portion of each contribution, albeit only on the value of the remainder interest earmarked for noncharitable beneficiaries. Also remember that while a CLT allows assets to pass to heirs with no federal estate taxes, a CLT is not a tax-free entity. Any income the trust generates in excess of the amount paid to charity is still taxable. And the sale of appreciated assets held within the trust may trigger capital gains taxes.
In Practice
How might a CLT work for you? Consider this hypothetical example: A 75-year-old former businessman has spent a good portion of his retirement years teaching his grandchildren how to paint. His love of art and need for a meaningful income tax deduction encouraged him to create a charitable lead trust of $1 million. Of that amount, $50,000 is directed to a local art museum each year for the rest of his life. Upon his death, the remainder of the trust assets will be divided equally among his three children.
The laws governing trusts are extremely complex and individuals should not enter into any such arrangements without first consulting with a qualified professional experienced in trust management. If you are interested in learning more about using a CLT to enhance your estate-planning agenda, contact your tax and/or legal advisors.
This communication is not intended to be tax or legal advice and should not be treated as such. Each individual's situation is different. You should contact your tax and/or legal professional to discuss your personal situation.
Ellis M. O’Tuel CRPC, Principal
Hammock Wealth Management
Gold Tee Dinner August 24th:
The members assembled at the pool house after gold for a sausage and peppers party. Cooks John Melzer, Ed Sheldon, John McLaughlin, Marty Robic and Paul Hayes
cooked and served dinner to the 70+ members present. A game of pitching pennies was held after dinner and the Champion was Ron Kemper.
Member-Spouse-Partner September 14, 2016
The 17th Annual tournament was held with 4 flights based on handicaps. A Hog Heaven dinner was held following golf with chicken, beans, pork, and baked apple dessert.
A 50/50 raffle with cash prizes was the featured entertainment and then winners of each flight and closest to the pin were announced and prizes issued.
A Flight 1st Place:
Craig and Amy Monaghan &
John Melzer and Suzanne Edone,
2nd Place
Bill and Linda Mitchell &
Vinnie and Skippy Esposito
B Flight 1st Place
Tom and Suzanne Strasser &
Bill and Jeanette Renault
2nd Place
Henry Woltman and Patti Horak &
Marion and Mildred Culpepper
C flight 1st Place
Bill and Bev Keyes &
Phil and Bobbie Fleiss
2nd Place
Allan and Ann MacDonald &
Charlie and Mary Ann Muratore D flight 1st place
Vince and Dot Franco &
Bill and Joanne Kendall
2nd Place
Ron and Bonnie Eaglin &
Jim and Grace Davis
A Flight Winners
B Flight Winners
C Flight Winners
D Flight Winners
Closest to the Pin Winners:
Ron Eaglin # 12,
Allan MacDonald # 15,
Bev Keyes # 15,
Bill Mitchell # 2,
Joanne Kendall # 12,
Suzanne Edone # 2 and #5,
Paul Hayes # 5
The Gold Tee members celebrated Ron Kemper and Jef Sturm birthdays on August 17th.
after golf. Paul Kelly introduced the men and they were given cards signed by the members and were greeted with a round or applause.
Elliott Dodson celebrated his 93rd on September 7th. birthday with his friends at Gold Tees.
A beautiful cake and ice cream was served and Happy Birthday was sung to commemorate the occasion. All members wished Elliott a good time with his friends.
On September 21st, 3 Gold tee members were honored with Birthday cards and present from the membership.
Members wished Happy Birthday to Jim Davis, Bob Thompson and Rudy Schwartz.
Gold Tee Tournament :October 19 & 26
The Gold Tee annual tournament was held over two weeks on consecutive Wednesdays. The 10 teams consisting of four golfers was flighted and handicapped with teams evenly matched.
The teams competed for cash prizes followed by a pizza party.
The First Place winners were tied in scoring and shared the prize equally. The winning teams were: Dave Philips/Bill Jacobs/Dale Guzlas/ Jay Jones and
Henry Woltman/Bill Renault/Jerry Mithen/Doug Waikart. Both teams were (-21).
The Tradition Gold Tee Golf Association is composed of 90+ great guys who play nine holes of golf from the gold tees on Wednesday afternoons.
Our motto is “Fun, Fellowship, Friends”. We have many social functions during the year. Our member/chefs cook up some delicious meals.
We sponsor annual tournaments and take occasional “Road Trips” to other local golf courses. Pictures of our weekly winning teams are taken each week and then placed on our web site
So if you want to have fun, make friends and enjoy good fellowship with a great bunch of guys, we welcome you to join us. See our web site or
contact Vince Franco, President, at
September 6th & 8th the TLGA sponsored the President’s Cup, a two day low net tournament. With great weather and a close competition,
the winners were; 1st Suzanne Strasser (130), 2nd Linda Breznicky (131), 3rd Maureen Lempert (133), 4th Joan Sheldon(133).
The closest to the pins were made by Debbie Massie holes #5 and #12, Bobbie Fleiss hole # 15 and Joan Sheldon hole # 2. It was a fun day with friends and neighbors.
President's Cup Tournament
On 9/13 State Day at Whispering Pines our ladies played well. Joan Sheldon & Martha Gorton succeeded in winning their flight.
Bobbie Fleiss and Janet Ransom played well and won their flight.
Congratulation ladies.
On 9/13 the Litchfield ladies league sponsored a Rally for the Cure tournament. This picture
below shows players from River Club, Tradition, Willbrook and Litchfield.
They had a great turnout and all players were happy to participate in a good cause.
Rally for the Cure @ Litchfield
After Matthew on 10/13 a brave few challenged the course; Bev Keyes, Bernadette Wright, Maureen Lempert , Martha Gorton , Janet Ransom, Amy Monaghan, Pat Kemper and Joan Sheldon.
Momma Mia Dinner - By Dot Franco
On the evening of October 24th the ladies attended a homemade Italian Dinner hosted by Chef Maureen Lempert and Chef Dot Franco.
The women enjoyed a delicious meal of antipasto, manicotti with meat balls, and homemade gelato for dessert.
A great time was had by all.
Coming up:
11/15 Sadie Hawkins tournament
12/7 the Awards Luncheon for 2016
The Tradition Men’s Golf Association held their Member Spouse tournament on 10/2. It was a two person net scramble.
Our ladies played well and assisted their spouses in winning. Among the winners were: Paul & Maureen Lempert, Jim & Debbie Massie, Dick & Carolyn Pacella, Ed & Joan Sheldon,
Craig & Amy Monaghan, Frank & Judy Gambeski, Tom & Suzanne Strasser. Closest to the pin was made by Pat D’Amato hole #5. It was a beautiful day and a close competition.
Summer and early Fall brought lots of sun, slick greens and stiff competition as the Tradition Men played in three major tournaments.
First was the annual Member/Member event held in mid July with 90 degree temperatures and high humidity .This is a two round tournament with a twist.
Round one was a combination of “Alternate Shot and Scramble” formats with the second round a “Better Ball of Twosome game using 100% handicaps.
The two week totals reflect team handicaps used in round one. Bob Zuercher and Jim Spataro held onto their first round lead with a net 62 and two round total of 127.5.
Buddies John McLaughlin and Dale Guzlas were second with 129.5, followed by Dick Baughman and Paul Lempert at 131 and Eric Muller and Dan Molloy with 131.5.
August brought the much coveted “Member Guest” tournament that had 24 teams
competing. The field started with six flights based on 80 percent of the combined handicaps which ranged
from 15 to 28. The flight winners were Ron Mokrynka and Charlie Malara, Dan Ingram and Tom Billings, Dick and Joe Culver, Paul Hayes and Anthony DeAngelo, Harry Stewart and
Ed Glowacki and Dave Philips and Brian Kramer.
The winners then competed in a ”Shootout” with handicaps used to even the teams. Holes #13 and #18 were played with White and
Gold tees used corresponding to individual handicaps.
Four teams were eliminated on #13 leaving Mokrynka and Malara to go on with the Culvers. Mokrynka, Malara and
Dick Culver played from the gold tees at 371 yards and landed in the fairway. Joe Culver played from 407 yards and pulled his drive 250 yards into the sand trap bordering the fairway.
Mokrynka, Malara and Dick Culver all left their second shots just short of the green. Joe Culver then used his 9 iron to draw his ball to within 20 feet of the pin.
Mokrynka and Malara hit wedges onto the green and two putted for bogeys. Joe Culver two putted for par and the championship with his dad.
Over 100 spectators watched the Member Guest shootout. The field consisted of three father-son and one grandfather-grandson-teams with guests from New Jersey, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky.
The event was dedicated to the memory of Robert Spangler, The Tradition’s first Head Professional.
It took an extra week but the “Club Championship” was completed in late September and as usually happens, cream rises to the top. The field is divided into two flights
“Gross and Net” with the gross flight winner declared Club Champion. Bob Zuercher shot back-to-back Gross 74 for a two round total of 148 and the championship.
Eric Muller was close with 76-76=152 and Dan Goodell finished third at 160. The “Net” championship saw Rudi Schwarz nose out Jerry Mithen in a match of cards
two round total of 141 followed by Tom Strasser at 142.
Champion: Bob Zuercher and Net winner: Rudi Schwarz
Looking forward , the annual ‘Great Turkey Shootout” dedicated to the memory of past club president Steve Kronski will be played Sunday ,November 27th starting at 12 noon.
Always a wild affair with 20 players (10 teams) wanting to not be the first team eliminated giving it their all. Plan on qualifying or at least watching and cheering your
friends on. Pizza to follow.
Finally, The annual Tradition Men’s Club” Christmas Dinner Dance” will be at “Inlet Affairs” on Tuesday December 13th.
A great way to end our year with good food, great entertainment and friends. If you haven’t been to one in a while try coming this year.
After the hot, hot summer, we are happy to be back to cooler weather.
Game Days August 16: Low Putts: 1st – Jeanette Renault, 15
2nd – MaryLou Goodell, 16
3rd – Dee Ely, 17
September 20: Bingo, Bango, Bongo: 1st – Ellen Spataro, 11
2nd – Betty Ruff, 11
3rd – Peg Boden, 10
October 18: Tee to Green: 1st - Kathleen McKay, 31
2nd – Ann Carline, 38
3rd – Dot Ellison, 39
A Birthday Luncheon was held on August 2 at Caledonia to honor our members for birthdays in July, August and September.
A small gift was given. Next Birthday breakfast will be on November 1st.
An Invitational at Indigo Creek took place on October 18th. Sue Edone was in a 1st place group and also won a door prize.
Pat McCarthy held a spot for 3rd place. The ladies at Indigo Creek put together a fantastic luncheon of Pastrami and Turkey Ruebens, Macaroni and cheese,
Waldorf salad and Cake for dessert. All of this was preceded by Butternut Squash soup. A good time was had by all!
Back in August, the group started planning a Sadie Hawkins Tournament. It will be held on November 15th and is benefiting ALS in honor of Faye Britsch.
The Ladies Nine Hole golf group and the Ladies 18 holers are co-sponsoring the event. All proceeds and donations from the tournament will go to
the South Carolina ALS Chapter in Columbia in Faye's name. Faye has become a strong advocate for the research and finding a cure for ALS.
The tournament has already reached the maximum number of players! Thanks to all that have worked so hard to benefit this worthy cause.
We hope you all have a very happy, healthy and blessed Holiday season! Travel safely!!
What do you do when tropical storm, Hermine, swirls into town?? Well, every canasta loving gal KNOWS---you go to the clubhouse and play canasta.
We had a great view of the rain from the poolhouse windows and watched the pool fill up ( we couldn’t see the numbers).
And then Hurricane Matthew came to town. We had three players arrive for Friday play. Jeanette advised them after living here for 20 years, there was nothing to worry about.
The weather people will make it sound worse that it is! And she publicly wants to apologize and here it is:
“The entire team could have be annihilated! Next time listen to the experts.”
Our group is growing and play remains the lst and 3rd Fridays, 2nd and 4th Mondays. On the 5th Friday, its lunch out and play afterward.
We are a fun group and it’s a great way to make new friends.
Call Jeanette at 843-235-3566 or Pat at 843-237-2678 to be put on our e-mail reminder list.
By Monique Philips
What a great summer!!! BUT the leaves are falling and the temperatures have dropped...thank goodness! The tennis gals are loving the season!
We play twice a week...Monday and Wednesday(all year long) 9AM and we are ALWAYS looking for subs....3.0 or higher! If you are ready for some fun tennis,
give Monique Philips a call (843-237-0494) or e-mail We'll add you to our list!!
By Monique Philips
Hi, Tradition Ladies! What are YOU doing the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5PM???(we meet normally from January to November with some special events between)
Well, you should be joining Winey's a marvelous time to meet your neighbors and enjoy some great appetizers!!!!
We either meet at the beach or at the Tradition pool house...we share finger food and we bring a canned good for our local food pantry
(we some times have a "special event" for donations)...and we always try to bring a friend with us.
Time to meet your new and old neighbors!!! If you would like to be added to our WW list, please contact Monique Philips at
Hope to see you soon!!!!
By Kathy Berko
Mexican Train returns for the winter and spring seasons. All are welcome. There is a "conductor" at each table who will help beginners.
It's a great opportunity for both men and women to have a laid-back good time.
First Wednesday of the month
To sign up please call either
Kathy Berko 203-848-4060
Vicki Wythe 614-562-0005 PS: We play with Domino's!
By Pat Shriver
Monique says::::Water aerobics is not only about exercises but about friendship and we are so blessed to have such an active neighborhood!
I love helping everybody feel good about themselves, mentally and physically! Keep up with your pilate moves this winter for those outstanding arms!!!
Dee says::::Another year has passed way too fast. As they say “time flies when you are having fun”. Everyone did such an amazing job at improving their fitness
level while enjoying great company, many laughs and new friendships. We hope to see you in the spring. Just think I have several months to come up with some new moves.
All of you brighten my day while I’m leading water aerobics. I hope I brighten your day, too. See you in June.
Pat says::::WOW. We had a wonderful season (only 1 rainout) and we had a record number of new faces. They learned we love our exercises and know how to laugh
and joke while we are doing them. We ended our season with a breakfast at True Blue on Sept. 20th. Many, many thanks to Monique and Dee for there wonderful leadership...
Planning for the "GARAGE SALE" By Merry Cotton
While it's still very early to think a spring garage sale, it's not too early to begin to set aside articles that you wish to sell and to hear how the garage sale works in the Tradition.
For all you new residents, early in May the Tradition has a community wide garage sale. We have always had many, many shoppers since we advertise in three newspapers and on Craig's list. In fact, several families often go together and sell from one location.
After registering which includes a $10 fee and also includes the advertising and a balloon. The balloon is to be attached to your mailbox and indicates a sale is taking place at this residence.
After the sale is over which is at noon on that Saturday in May --exact date to be determined--we schedule the Salvation Army to pick up any articles not sold...all you have to do is place them on the curb and they will be hauled away.
So, after the holidays, begin your plans to participate. It's lots of fun and rewarding and a chance to meet new neighbors.
On September 14 John and I boarded a flight to Dublin to begin our 2 week bus tour of Ireland and Scotland.
2 days later with our jet lag in check and a few pints of Guinness under our belt we headed south. Our Australian born tour guide had an amazing grasp of history,
she was able to tell stories and relate facts every where we went. I believe I got enough Irish and Scottish history to last me a lifetime.
There was little downtime on the 1800 mile tour. Each of our days was filled with sights and stops, dinners and many a historical tale.
The famous "Blarney Castle"
We traveled around the south shoreline of Ireland over the next 2 days visiting interesting places such as the Waterford crystal factory, County Cork,
the last port of call for the Titanic, Blarney Castle, yes! To kiss the stone then onto Killarney --best know as the Disneyland of Ireland.
Killarney is a tourist town for Irish natives and visitors. With our hotel located in the downtown area we could easily walk to shops and restaurants.
John & Celise on the "Ring of Kerry"
Our second day in Killarney began on a jaunting cart ride through the National Park then a tour around the famous "Ring of Kerry".
I have never seen so many sheep! The following morning we boarded a ferry across the River Shannon and headed to the amazing Cliffs of Moher.
John & Celise at the amazing Cliffs of Moher
Again we were blessed with glorious sunshine to enjoy the spectacular views. That night we stayed in Limerick with a visit to St John's Castle
and a medieval dinner in Knappogue Castle. There is no shortage of Castles on this trip.
Celise & John in Cong, Ireland
The last day in the Republic of Ireland we traveled to the Northern most point in Sligo. En route we had a lunch stop in a little town called Cong.
It was here that the John Wayne/Maureen O'Hara movie "The Quiet Man" was filmed.
On the 8th day of our trip we crossed into Northern Ireland and
visited a town called Derry. Although the English refer to it as Londonderry, the locals refuse to change their ways. We had another sunny day and a excellent
local guide who walked us around the walls of the city, enlightening us on historical events including Bloody Sunday in 1972 and how well the people of
Northern Ireland have prospered in the last 4 decades.
After lunch our tour bus brought us to the natural wonder Giants Causeway where 40,000
interlocking columns form stepping stones that lead from the cliff foot and disappear under the sea.
Our final night in Ireland we slept and dined in a 16th century Ballygally castle on the Irish Sea.
Brig o' doon Scotland
We entered Scotland by ferry in the county of Ahyshire and traveled north visiting Brig o' doon and the Robert Burns museum.
He was an author and poet best known in this country for penning Auld Lang Syne.
Doune Castle - Scottish Highlands
A quick stop at Doune Castle, the home of the "Outlander Series", then off to dinner and overnight in Scotland's largest city, Glasgow.
The next day we journeyed through a spectacular countryside of Glens and Lochs to Inverness far north in the Scottish Highlands.
Urquhart Castle - Loch Ness
Here we boarded a catamaran on Loch Ness, walked on Culloden Moor, the final battle site of the Jacobites uprising in 1745 and gladly joined a tour and tasting at a Scottish Whisky distillery.
Our final two days included a visit to Blair Castle and a special stop at St. Andrews golf course on route to Scotland's Capital city.
John At St Andrews (A dream come true)
As our tour came to an end we were entertained by a Scottish Cabaret "hail to the haggis" and visited Edinburgh castle. Then we packed up our suitcases for the last time
and headed out for our very, very long journey back to the states.
Another Day in the Death of America: A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives
by Gary Younge -
On an average day in America, seven children and teens will be shot dead. In Another Day in the Death of America, award-winning journalist Gary Younge tells
the stories of the lives lost during one such day. It could have been any day, but he chose November 23, 2013. Black, white, and Latino, aged nine to nineteen,
they fell at sleepovers, on street corners, in stairwells, and on their own doorsteps.
From the rural Midwest to the barrios of Texas, the narrative crisscrosses
the country over a period of twenty-four hours to reveal the full human stories behind the gun-violence statistics and the brief mentions in local papers of lives lost.
This powerful and moving work puts a child’s face on the “collateral damage” of gun deaths across the country.
What emerges in these pages is a searing and urgent portrait of youth, family, and firearms in America today.
by Catherine McKenzie Julie Prentice and her family move across the country to the idyllic Mount Adams district of Cincinnati, hoping to evade the stalker who’s been terrorizing
them ever since the publication of her bestselling novel, The Murder Game. Since Julie doesn’t know anyone in her new town, when she meets her neighbor John Dunbar,
their instant connection brings measured hope for a new beginning. But she never imagines that a simple, benign conversation with him could set her life spinning so far off course.
After a series of misunderstandings, Julie and her family become the target of increasingly unsettling harassment. Has Julie’s stalker found her, or are her neighbors
out to get her, too? As tension in the neighborhood rises, new friends turn into enemies, and the results are deadly.
Hag-Seed (Hogarth Shakespeare)
by Margaret Atwood Hag-Seed is a re-visiting of Shakespeare’s play of magic and illusion, The Tempest, and will be the fourth novel in the Hogarth Shakespeare series.
The Tempest is set on a remote island full of strange noises and creatures. Here, Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan, plots to restore the fortunes of his daughter
Miranda by using magic and illusion -- starting with a storm that will bring Antonio, his treacherous brother, to him. All Prospero, the great sorcerer, needs to do is
watch as the action he has set in train unfolds.
In this ‘novel take’ on Shakespeare’s original, theatre director Felix has been unceremoniously ousted from his role as Artistic Director.
When he lands a job teaching theatre in a prison, the possibility of revenge presents itself – and his cast find themselves taking part
in an interactive and illusion-ridden version of The Tempest that will change their lives forever.
News of the World
by Paulette Jiles -
In the aftermath of the Civil War Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world.
In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan, Johanna, to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders
killed her parents and sister; sparing the little girl and raising her as one of their own. Then rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again
been torn away from the only home she knows.
Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous.
Arriving in San Antonio, the captain must hand Johanna over to an aunt and uncle who regard
her as an unwanted burden. A respectable man, Captain Kidd is faced with a terrible choice: abandon the girl to her fate or become a kidnapper himself.
Holding Up the Universe
by Jennifer Niven
Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout, the girl once dubbed “America’s Fattest Teen.” But no one’s taken the time to look past her weight to get to know who she really is.
Following her mom’s death, she’s been picking up the pieces, dealing with her heartbroken father and her own grief. Now, Libby’s ready: for high school,
for new friends, for love, and for every possibility life has to offer. In that moment, she knows the part to play in high school; she wants to be the girl who can do anything.
Everyone thinks they know Jack Masselin, too. Yes, he’s got swagger, but he’s also mastered the impossible art of giving people what they want, of fitting in.
What no one knows is that Jack has a newly acquired secret: he can’t recognize faces. Even his own brothers are strangers to him. He’s the guy who can re-engineer
and rebuild anything, but he can’t understand what’s going on with the inner workings of his brain. So he tells himself to play it cool: Be charming. Be hilarious.
Don’t get too close to anyone.
Until he meets Libby. When the two get tangled up in a cruel high school game—which lands them in group counseling and community service—Libby and Jack are both angry,
and then surprised. Because the more time they spend together, the less alone they feel. Because sometimes when you meet someone, it changes the world, theirs and yours.